Congratulations, Trista O'Connor!!
over 1 year ago, Rocket Online Schools
Trista O'Connor
CONGRATULATIONS to our ROCS 2023 Early Graduates!
over 1 year ago, Rocket Online Schools
Mr. Webb/Adam Moore Diploma
Eric Vela_Mr. Webb Diploma
Trista O'Connor_Mr. Webb Diploma
Taylor Crawford_Mr. Webb Diploma
23' Early Graduates (2)
Adam Moore Speech
Taylor Crawford Speech
23' Early Graduates
Adam Moore's Speech
Taylor Crawford - KS Honors Scholar
ROCS is offering WEEKLY MATH TUTORING sessions every Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon! Please also remember that students can request a live session with a teacher for any subject area in Acellus whenever needed.
over 1 year ago, Rocket Online Schools
6-12 Math Tutoring
Students will not be required to check into their courses this Monday in observance of MLK Jr. Day. Have a wonderful extended weekend!
over 1 year ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
MLK Jr Day
ROCS wishes everyone a…
almost 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools
Happy Thanksgiving
To better support each student's individualized needs, ROCS is adjusting a few student's advisors to balance out our teachers' responsibilities. Please continue with your same advisor unless otherwise notified. If your advisor changes, you will receive an email. Thank you!!
almost 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools
DON'T FORGET! ROCS Elementary (K-5th) will be hosting their Fall Festival and Costume Party Zoom on Monday, Oct. 31st from 1:00pm-2:00pm. Please see parent emails for the invite. Students are welcome to bring their favorite candy or treat to the meeting!
almost 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
Fall Party Invite 10/31
ROCS has confirmed Acellus is working now. We apologize for any inconvenience this has created. Thank you for your patience and support as we resolved this issue. Enjoy your weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools
ROCS Family-Acellus is experiencing technical difficulties, so we apologize for any inconvenience this has created. ROCS is working with Acellus to fix this situation as soon as possible. We'll send out another message once it is resolved. Have a great weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools
ROCS Families... If you've had any issue connecting to a Zoom meeting or your camera won't work during the meeting, please connect through the browser and not the Zoom app. To connect through the browser, just join the meeting by clicking on the active blue link in your email.
almost 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools
ROCS Family - We need your help! ROCS has requested all records from your previous school, but we still need a birth certificate, health/immunization records, transcripts, etc. for some students. If you have any records at home, please send them to ASAP.
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools
ROCS Technology Reminder: Email for any Chromebook related questions or concerns. Your email will automatically submit a ticket to our technology department requesting assistance. This process will ensure ROCS gets you the support needed in a timely fashion.
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools
We are coming up on our LAST day of the flexible start option. All enrolled students, please make sure you have started your coursework on or before September 6th!
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
Last day to start classes  is September 6th
Our last Secondary (6-12) Info session will be on Monday, August 29th at 8:30 a.m. and at 6:30 p.m.! Please plan to come to get some questions about the Time Log and the start of the year. Please check the parent's email for the zoom link.
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
Info Session Aug 29th 8:30am and 6:30pm
Did you miss the last Secondary info session? It's not too late! Our next info session is on August 24th at 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.! Come see the teachers and get some information on the Time Logs. Please check the parent's email for the zoom link.
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
Info Session Aug 24th 8:30am and 6:30pm
Middle School and High School, this one's for you! Don't miss out on an important informational session regarding this upcoming school year. Important topics will be discussed that will guarantee you a great school year!
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
BTS w/ ROCS Aug 17th
We are happy to introduce Mrs. Sherri Alverson! Coming from Centralia, this is her 30th year of teaching. She has spent her entire educational career in primary grade levels and Special Education. She is ready to see the amazing academic growth of our ROCS students take place!
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
Mrs. Alverson K-1st
Please welcome Ms. Gloria Johnson to our secondary team! She joins us from Garden City, but currently resides in Salina. Fun fact about Ms. Johnson? She is a twin! She is looking forward to a positive school year with students and families!
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
Ms. Johnson Secondary Teacher
Attention all K-5 students! The elementary team is hosting live info-sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to help you feel more prepared for the year, AND you get to meet your teachers! Please check your parent emails for this flyer that has the active Zoom link.
about 2 years ago, Rocket Online Schools KS
Attention all K-5 students! The elementary team is hosting live info-sessions every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to help you feel more prepared for the year! Please check your parent emails for a flyer that has the active link!
Hi from Ms. Ballinger! She is coming from Kansas City, and will work with our K-5 students. This is her 4th year teaching, with her favorite subjects being math & social-emotional learning. Ms. B has a passion for non-traditional learning and is ready for a ROCkin’ year! 🚀
about 2 years ago, Whittne Ballinger
Hi from Ms. Ballinger! She is coming from Kansas City, and will work with our K-5 students. This is her 4th year teaching, with her favorite subjects being math & social-emotional learning. She is ready for a ROCkin’ year! 🚀