ROCS Students and Families,

ROCS has truly enjoyed working with you and your child(ren) throughout this school year, and we look forward to every child's growth and success within 2023-2024.

As ROCS partners with USD 340 Jefferson West next school year, we wanted to share important information.  Students will hardly notice we're partnering with a different district

  • This will be a seamless transition for students and families.
  • All ROCS students WILL fully receive their credits earned no matter what district we partner with.
  • Students and families will continue to receive personalized support from their ROCS advisors through strong relationships.
  • Our students will continue on their academic journey through Acellus.
  • ROCS is a K-12 statewide virtual school FULLY accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).
  • ROCS students earn a diploma that meets the Kansas graduation requirements and is comparable to diplomas offered from any other Kansas accredited high school.
  • All ROCS students across the state wishing to participate in extra-curricular activities may obtain approval from the district they reside in to do so.
  • Being a ROCS student only requires that you reside in Kansas - it doesn't matter what town or district you live in.

For those of you that have already submitted enrollment with ROCS, there is nothing more you need to do.  Those that haven't completed enrollment but want to continue as a ROCS student next year, please submit your enrollment here:

ROCS 2023-2024 Enrollment

All enrollments completed on or by accessing the above link are official.

Please contact ROCS or your advisor/teacher with any questions you may have.